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Favorite Low Carb Snacks of 2019

I'm always changing up my go-to snacks. My most favorite snacks right now are ones you can find in my cabinet, in my fridge, and even in my purse, and they are all low carb! Currently, I have been trying limit my sugar and overall net carbohydrate intake, because when I over do it with the carbs, I tend to have excessive bloating, unnecessary cravings, and brain fog.

Understanding Net Carbs

If you're not sure on what a net carb is, it's the total amount of carbs in a food subtracted by the total amount of fiber (because fiber is the bomb!) or by sugar alcohols. So for instance, even though my favorite Raw Rev creamy peanut butter bars have a whopping 17 grams of carbs in each bar, they're actually loaded with 14g of fiber. So 3g of net carbs in these bars are definitely okay with me! With my current low carb focused diet, I try not to eat any snacks or meals that have over 10g of net carbs in one serving (I aim for no more than 50g the whole day). Anything more than that, and I do not feel like my best self and have a hard time staying on track with eating healthy foods the rest of the day. This is just what works for me, so it may not necessarily be the best thing for you to stick to. However, many many people do very well on a low carb diet, so I really recommend giving it a shot and see how your body reacts to the diet change.

Recommended Snacks for Everyone

So if you'd like to give a low carb diet a shot, I'll give you some recommendations for some snacks! My favorite snacks are suitable for people with all kinds of different diet preferences, such as paleo (P), organic (O), vegan (V), gluten free (GF), dairy free (DF), and low carb (LC), so hopefully you find at least a few new low carb snacks that will work for you to try out!

*All of these are LC


I also really enjoy dark chocolate, but I make sure the bars are at least 70% cacao, and don't have extreme amounts of sugar. I prefer 80%, but if you're not used to the taste of dark chocolate, try to work up to it with a smaller percentage because it'll be less bitter. You should also make sure you're not eating the entire bar, because most dark chocolates have more than one serving... So even if it says 6 net carbs, there may be 2-3 servings, leaving you to consume 18g of sugar/carbs if you eat all of it!


Other savory snacks that I like to keep on hand are hard boiled eggs, and lunch meat such as turkey or roast beef. I try not to over do-it with dairy products because I feel as though my body doesn't perform its best when consuming large amounts, but I will also have a few pieces of cheese here and there. If dairy doesn't affect you negatively, cheese is a great low-carb snack to keep in your fridge.


Some other beverages I drink on the daily are just black coffee, herbal teas, and lots and lots of water. As for alcohol, all pure forms of liquor are low carb, so if trying a low carb diet, just avoid most wine and beer. If I have an alcoholic beverage, I've lately been into White Claws, which have zero sugar and not too many strange ingredients.

I hope you get to try some of these out, and if you do try any of these or have any recommendations for me, I'd love to hear about it!!

With love and health,


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